I have a solution which has several VC++ projects. I am trying to make TFS do weekly builds. I have set up TFS Build controller and agent. I created a build definition using DefaultTemplate.xaml file and I can successfully build some of the projects.
The problem is my projects depend on some libraries that are already checked in to debug/release folders. TFS is trying to put project outputs (dlls and exes) to $(SolutionDir)\Binaries directory. Since dependent libraries don't exist on this location, TFS build fails.
What I would like to do is use my own project output locations and somehow copy the output files to somewhere in server.
How can I do that?
It's not recommended checking in the libraries to TFS, you can use Nuget to restore the packages.
For the build outputs, you can specify the drop folder in your build definition and copy the outputs to the drop folder.