I am new to geoserver and sld. I have 2 layers on top of my OSM base layer. One for creating a heatmap and one just for the label. My heatmap and base layer is rendering fine but the label text is not showing up in openlayers. When I preview it in geoserver it is showing up fine but when I try to render it in javascript it only shows on zoom out. I cannot seem to find anything online about this issue.
Here is the SLD:
<Name>AQI text</Name>
<Title>AQI Text</Title>
<Abstract>AQI information</Abstract>
Here is the snapshot of the preview on geoserver:
Here is the javascript openlayers code:
var londonLonLat = [-0.118092, 51.509865];
var londonWebMercator = ol.proj.fromLonLat(londonLonLat);
var layers = [
new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.OSM()
new ol.layer.Image({
//extent: [-13884991, 2870341, -7455066, 6338219],
source: new ol.source.ImageWMS({
url: '',
params: {'LAYERS': 'tiger:shapefile'},
serverType: 'geoserver'
new ol.layer.Image({
//extent: [-13884991, 2870341, -7455066, 6338219],
source: new ol.source.ImageWMS({
url: '',
params: {'LAYERS': 'test2:test_text_layer'},
serverType: 'geoserver'
var map = new ol.Map({
layers: layers,
target: 'map',
view: new ol.View({
center: londonWebMercator,
zoom: 10
Here is a snapshot of the page:
Here is a snapshot on zoom out:
Solved a similar problem by adding predefined bounding points (like anchors) to my database and then feed those points in geoserver as my bounding box:
bounding box
and choose calculate from data.sld
you can define a rule to make those bounding points invisible.That recalculates the bounding box in which the geoserver will display your data in any projection.