
How to remove close button in Vungle SDK

I have integrated the VungleSDK in my game. I want to remove the "x" button from video ad showing to force the user to watch the complete video. Here's a screenshot of my publisher settings:

enter image description here

This is my code to play Vungle ad video:

func playVungleAd(){
    let vSdk:VungleSDK = VungleSDK.sharedSDK();
        try vSdk.playAd(self, withOptions : [VunglePlayAdOptionKeyIncentivized: true])
    }catch let error as NSError{
        print("Error In video ad")


It displays the following ad but with an "x" button. How can I remove this close button?

enter image description here


  • can you please check what is the setting of your app? Is it in test mode or in active mode?

    enter image description here

    If the app is in test mode it is normal to see the close button. Please switch it to active mode and check it again. Also please allow about 30 minutes for the change to take effect.

    If the app is in test mode, please share your Vungle app ID via and refer to this case and we will help you out looking into the case deeper.
