I have a Virgo-Tomcat-Server running. There is an EnumMap, whose key is
Context from this map is received via
and Spring expression language using a SpelExpressionParser, a sample expression would be "get(T(bundle.a.MyEnum).SAMPLEKEY)". The Parser (respectively its TypeLocator) needs access to the ClassLoader of bundle.a.
So I did:
TypeLocator typeLocator = new StandardTypeLocator(getBundleAClassLoader());
StandardEvaluationContext evaluationContext = new StandardEvaluationContext();
spelExpressionParser = new SpelExpressionParser();
spelExpressionParser.parseExpression(expression)).getValue(evaluationContext, context);
The question is, what is the proper way to get the class loader of bundle.a in a class of bundle.b? After a couple of attempts, the only working solution I found is:
private static ClassLoader getBundleAClassLoader() {
MyEnum bundleARef = MyEnum.SAMPLEKEY;
return bundleARef.getClass().getClassLoader();
Edit: Solution
is not necessary,
TypeLocator typeLocator = new StandardTypeLocator(this.getClass().getClassLoader());
works fine.
This sounds too complicated. Just do an Import-Package in the Manifest of bundle.b and you can access the type in the same way as your own type.