Good afternoon, good people. Help me find the right solution. In one docker container Launched uwsgi application. In another docker container launched collector metrics - collectd , who collects metrics and sends them to the server -openstdb.
The question how do I do that would be received collectd metrics from uwsgi. I understand, is necessary start with uwsgi option "--enable-metrics" and maybe add "--stats-push statsd:address[,prefix]". and into config collectd add plugin .
But how all this tie in practice do not understand.
Grateful for any help
Solution was as follows.
Run uwsgi with param.Below content config.ini
plugin = stats_pusher_statsd
enable-metrics = true
stats-push = statsd:collectd:8125
And in collectd add pluggin
<Plugin statsd>
Host "::"
Port "8125"
DeleteSets false