I have a provider, which indexes stock for product for every unit, this way:
for (Map.Entry<B2BUnitModel, Integer> unit : stockByUnit.entrySet() )
document.addField(indexedProperty, hasStock(unit.getValue()), unitUid(unit.getKey()));
so this is result after index in solr:
"localStockForUnt_001_boolean": true,
"localStockForUnt_002_boolean": true,
where localStockForUnt is SolrIndexedProperty, 001 and 002 are the units and true or false are the indexed value.
this is the impex to create it:
INSERT_UPDATE SolrIndexedProperty;solrIndexedType(identifier)`[unique=true];name[unique=true];type(code);sortableType(code);currency[default=false];localized[default=false];multiValue[default=false];useForSpellchecking[default=false];useForAutocomplete[default=false];fieldValueProvider;valueProviderParameter`
;$solrIndexedType; localStockForUnt ;boolean ; ; ; ; ; ; ;myResolver;
so I added it inside the 'sort' called 'relevance' in hmc, this 'sort' just have this field in hmc.
My doubt is, how can I set to it sort my result using for example localStockForUnt_002_boolean? I did set sort in controller manually to test, I did set it to "relevance", but since the provider of field used in relevance (localStockForUnt) index two different information, how can I select which one to use?
Actually what you are trying to do here was already been initiated and used in several cases by Hybris, for example:
properties like the name
, indexed as name_en_string
like price
is indexed as priceValue_eur_double
and also used for Sort.For :priceValue_eur_double
| For : localStockForUnt_001_boolean
is the field's name | localStockForUnt
is the field's name.
is the field qualifier | 001
is the field qualifier.
is the field type | boolean
is the field type.
So your case here is not different than these two examples, hence you need just to know how to use what's already exists.
Actually nothing magical about how these two examples works!
to SolrIndexedPropertyModel
let's call it isB2bUnit
:<!-- add this to your *-items.xml -->
<itemtype code="SolrIndexedProperty" autocreate="false" generate="false">
<attribute qualifier="isB2bUnit" type="java.lang.boolean">
<persistence type="property" />
<!-- i would prefer to add a default value here : FALSE -->
boolean attribute
in the IndexedProperty
dto :<!-- add this to your *-beans.xml -->
<bean class="de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.config.IndexedProperty">
<property name="isB2bUnit" type="boolean"/>
it's the responsible for converting from SolrIndexedProperty
to IndexedProperty
:public class MyIndexedPropertyPopulator extends DefaultIndexedPropertyPopulator {
public void populate(SolrIndexedPropertyModel source, IndexedProperty target) throws ConversionException {
super.populate(source, target);
//add this line
Register the propulator
into spring.
<!-- add this to your *-spring.xml -->
<alias name="myIndexedPropertyPopulator" alias="indexedPropertyPopulator" />
<bean id="myIndexedPropertyPopulator" class="com.foo.bar.MyIndexedPropertyPopulator" parent="defaultIndexedPropertyPopulator" />
and force it to add your specific fieldQualifier
which is b2bUnit.code
to the fieldName
if the isB2bUnit
of the Indexedproperty
.The original DefaultFieldNameTranslator.translateFromProperty(...)
is like this :
protected String translateFromProperty(SearchQuery searchQuery, IndexedProperty indexedProperty, FieldType fieldType) {
if(qualifierProvider != null && qualifierProvider.canApply(indexedProperty)) {
Qualifier qualifier = qualifierProvider.getCurrentQualifier();
fieldQualifier = qualifier != null?qualifier.toFieldQualifier():null;
} else if(indexedProperty.isLocalized()) {
fieldQualifier = searchQuery.getLanguage();
} else if(indexedProperty.isCurrency()) {
fieldQualifier = searchQuery.getCurrency();
//you have to add your else if here!!!
return this.fieldNameProvider.getFieldName(indexedProperty, fieldQualifier, fieldType);
So create MyFieldNameTranslator
that extends from DefaultFieldNameTranslator
and override translateFromProperty(...)
Note: SomeB2bUnitService
this service is not real but it should be able to return the current b2bUnit.
public class MyFieldNameTranslator extends DefaultFieldNameTranslator {
//To be injected!!
private SomeB2bUnitService someB2bUnitService;
protected String translateFromProperty(SearchQuery searchQuery, IndexedProperty indexedProperty, FieldType fieldType) {
else if(indexedProperty.getIsB2bUnit()) {
fieldQualifier = someB2bUnitService.getCurrentB2bUnit().getCode();
return this.fieldNameProvider.getFieldName(indexedProperty, fieldQualifier, fieldType);
Register the Translator
into Spring
<!-- add this to your *-spring.xml -->
<alias name="myfieldNameTranslator" alias="fieldNameTranslator" />
<bean id="myfieldNameTranslator" class="com.foo.bar.MyFieldNameTranslator" parent="defaultfieldNameTranslator">
<property name="someB2bUnitService" ref="someB2bUnitService" />
to true
for localStockForUnt
:INSERT_UPDATE SolrIndexedProperty;solrIndexedType(identifier)[unique=true] ;name[unique=true] ;type(code) ;isB2bUnit
;$solrIndexedType ;localStockForUnt ;boolean ;true
Note : that some classes and beans may have been changed between Hybris versions but the concept will remains the same.