I have an API built in Golang using the Beego framework and I have a single query that has multiple joins and then returns a JSON result.
I was hoping there is a way for me to cast each row into a struct which has nicer key names, IE rather than "Stage__Description" just "Stage", etc... So I built a ResultMap struct with the key names I want, should I be creating a Map instead?
type ResultMap struct {
Id int
DateAdded time.Time
FirstName string
LastName string
Username string
Stage string
station string
status string
//var maps []ResultMap
var maps []orm.Params
num, err := o.QueryTable("test_result_detail").
Filter("Result__Serial", "121994-0001").
Values(&maps, "id", "date_added", "stage__description", "station__station", "status__status", "operator__username", "operator__first_name", "operator__last_name" )
"DateAdded": "2016-10-20T00:00:00-05:00",
"Id": 8306105,
"Operator__FirstName": "Jose",
"Operator__LastName": "Mendez",
"Operator__Username": "3362",
"Stage__Description": "VR1 Test",
"Station__Station": "TS0653",
"Status__Status": "PASS"
"DateAdded": "2016-10-20T00:00:00-05:00",
"Id": 8306465,
"Operator__FirstName": "Jose",
"Operator__LastName": "Mendez",
"Operator__Username": "3362",
"Stage__Description": "QA Lab X-Ray Inspection",
"Station__Station": "LABEQP-0004",
"Status__Status": "PASS"
"DateAdded": "2016-10-28T00:00:00-05:00",
"Id": 8547267,
"Operator__FirstName": "Jose",
"Operator__LastName": "Mendez",
"Operator__Username": "3362",
"Stage__Description": "Capture Customer SN",
"Station__Station": "N/A",
"Status__Status": "PASS"
"DateAdded": "2016-10-28T00:00:00-05:00",
"Id": 8547851,
"Operator__FirstName": "Jose",
"Operator__LastName": "Mendez",
"Operator__Username": "3362",
"Stage__Description": "Final Test",
"Station__Station": "TS0653",
"Status__Status": "PASS"
"DateAdded": "2017-02-14T00:00:00-06:00",
"Id": 10993864,
"Operator__FirstName": "Jose",
"Operator__LastName": "Mendez",
"Operator__Username": "3362",
"Stage__Description": "QA Mechanical Final Inspection",
"Station__Station": "VISUAL INSPECTION",
"Status__Status": "PASS"
You want to use json annotations on your struct, then use json.Unmarshal
to put the data into your struct.
Here is an example:
package main
import (
func main() {
// The struct you want to store the data in
// Note the json tags that show which json field corresponds to which struct field
type Data struct {
FirstName string `json:"Operator__FirstName"`
LastName string `json:"Operator__LastName"`
// Create a slice of these structs since our json is an array of results
var structData []Data
// The json you want to dump into the structs
jsonData := []byte(`[{"Operator__FirstName": "Bob", "Operator__LastName": "Smith"},{"Operator__FirstName": "John", "Operator__LastName": "Adams"}]`)
_ = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &structData)
fmt.Printf("%+v", structData)
And here it is in Go Playground: https://play.golang.org/p/Z2P7oUVT9i