
How can I update a object value by retrieving variable names from string?

I have a JavaScript object which looks like this.

var myObj = [
    "HOLIDAY": {
      "Sun": "Date",
      "Mon": "Date",
      "Tue": "Date",
      "Wed": "Date",
      "Thr": "Date",
      "Fri": "Date",
      "Sat": "Date"

and I have some HTML code which looks like this

    <input data-event="change" 

On HTML I have stored which JavaScript variable to modify if I do any change to that field. I have written JavaScript code which look like this.

$(document).on('change', '[data-event= change]', function(){
    //get-variable-name where to bind data
    //Get object location inside the variable
    var sVarName = $(this).data('variable');
    var sObjLoca = $(this).data('bind');
    eval(sVarName+sObjLoca +' = ' $(this).val());

Is there any better approach to this problem, currently I am using eval() which I don't want to use, as many elements will have 'change' event and show 'eval' can effect the performance of my code.


  •  // Input
    var myObj = [{
      "HOLIDAY": {
        "Sun": "Date",
        "Mon": "Date",
        "Tue": "Date",
        "Wed": "Date",
        "Thr": "Date",
        "Fri": "Date",
        "Sat": "Date"
    // Function
    function updateObject(object, newValue, path) {
      var stack = path.replace(/\]\[/g, '.').replace(/['"\[\]]/g, '').split('.');
      while (stack.length > 1) {
        object = object[stack.shift()];
      object[stack.shift()] = newValue;
      return object;
    // Output
    console.log(updateObject(myObj, 'test1', "[0]['HOLIDAY']['Sat']"));
    console.log(updateObject(myObj, 'test2', "[0]['HOLIDAY']['Tue']"));
    // Can also set like below
    console.log(updateObject(myObj, 'otherway', "0.HOLIDAY.Wed"));