How to implement OsmAnd in my iOS application? I have downloaded sample project from github but I amgetting error while running the code.
I have done R&D on it and understand that I have to implement all necessary repositories from here but question is how to do it? Totally confused on what to do?
Reference: Google Groups
I have solved this issue.
Please follow below steps to do this,
Fire below commands in terminal
sudo port install bash, bzip2, curl, git, ImageMagick +rsvg, librsvg, p7zip, python3*, wget
Install Google Repo
mkdir OsmAnd && cd OsmAnd
repo init -u -m readonly.xml
Open the Xcode and build once again you got an error that
Implicitly declaring library function 'malloc' with type 'void *(unsigned long)'
For solving this error add #include <stdlib.h>
in gif_hash.h
Now, build and run it's work.
Reference : Github