I am using the TreeListView control from BrightIdeas software. Looks great but I'm not familiar with delegates, and the example is in c#. Can someone lend me a hand translating this to VB.NET?
This is the example:
this.treeListView.CanExpandGetter = delegate(object x) {
Return ((MyFileSystemInfo) x).IsDirectory;
And this is my best guess as to the intent (obviously wrong)
Dim expander As TreeListView.CanExpandGetterDelegate
expander = AddressOf IsReportPopulated
'// CanExpandGetter Is called very often! It must be very fast.
Me.treeListView.CanExpandGetter = expander(x As Object) ' no idea where we are getting the object from
And the function is defined as this
Private Function IsReportPopulated(x As Object) As Boolean
Dim myreport As ADCLReport = CType(x, ADCLReport)
If myreport.Chambers.Count > 0 Or myreport.Electrometers.Count > 0 Then Return True
Return False
End Function
Per advice, ran through a translator. Doesn't look quite right. Output:
thisPublic Delegate Sub ((ByVal Unknown As x)
Your C# code is the way you had to attempt to write a lambda before C# had lambdas - it's usually written as:
this.treeListView.CanExpandGetter = (object x) =>
return ((MyFileSystemInfo)x).IsDirectory;
The VB equivalent is:
Me.treeListView.CanExpandGetter = Function(x As Object)
Return DirectCast(x, MyFileSystemInfo).IsDirectory
End Function