I have the following line in my init.vim:
if !&readonly
set fileencoding=utf-8
Which sets the fileencoding to utf-8. It works fine, unless I have my cursor in a nerdtree window, in which case I get the following error:
I guess that it's trying to set the nerdtree window to utf-8. I think that I could solve this by checking for nerdtree in the if statement (so that it doesn't try to set fileencoding for nerdtree windows). How do I do that?
I've checked and the nerdtree window is : noreadonly & nomodifiable. The message which you've received tells you all. You cannot modify a window which is 'nomodifiable' even by setting an option on it. Try:
if !&readonly && &modifiable
set fileencoding=utf-8
Other option is to remember the current state in some variable:
if !&readonly
let prev_modifiable = &modifiable
set modifiable
set fileencoding=utf-8
let &modifiable=prev_modifiable