
How to auto redirect after authenticate using ember-simple-auth

I am using JWT (JSON Web Token) to authenticate user. I do include the ApplicationRouteMixin in application.js route and it supports to handle two events (success login and success logout) by default.

Now when I login with a user credential using code below,

  login(credential) {
    const authenticator = 'authenticator:jwt';
    const session = this.get('session');

    session.authenticate(authenticator, credential)
      .catch(() => {
        const errorMessage = "Wrong email or password. Please try again!";
        this.set('errorMessage', errorMessage);

The URL stay the same even the response is success and includes the valid JWT (see below).


When I refresh the page manually then the page get redirected.

However, when I am in the protected route after authentication, the auto redirect is working for this.get('session').invalidate() which kick me out of the protected route.

I know one walkaround is to add a then after authenticate method (see code below) to redirect the URL to the right one when there is a success response from the method; however, after browse so many examples I see no one does something like below.

    session.authenticate(authenticator, credential)
      .then(() => {
      .catch(() => {
        const errorMessage = "Wrong email or password. Please try again!";
        this.set('errorMessage', errorMessage);

I am missing anything here? Why my route does not auto redirect after authentication?


  • This works for me:

    this.get('session').authenticate('authenticator:jwt', username, password).then(
        () => this.transitionTo("index"),
        (err) => this.controller.set('error', err.error || err)