It's not "Find the Palindrome of a Number" ! it's a bit twisted than that:
Step 1: Reverse the digits of a original number.
Step 2: Add the reversed number.
Step 3: If the new number is a palindrome number then print the output.
The limit is 15 steps & we can print the original number if that is a palindrome in itself. We have to use function calling in this program. Here I have used two functions() - FIRST to reverse the number & SECOND to add the original number and the reversed number & check if the sum is a Palindrome or not.
Please suggest your opinions if I can improve this long code in any way.
PS: newbie in Java & especially function calling!
Thank you!! Here's the code, it's a little bit long! I am sorry :(
import java.util.*;
public class PalindromicNumber
public int PalinReverse(int n)
int n1=n;
int x1=0, d1=0;
while (n1>0)//just used to store the reverse of the original number
return x1;
public int PalinCheck (int n, int p)
int F=0;
int n1=F, x1=0, d1=0;
while(n1>0)//checks if the sum of reversed no. and the original number is palindrome or not
if (x1==F)
System.out.println("The number"+ F +"is a Palindrome");
return 1;
return F; //returns the sum if it is not a palindrome
public static void main (String args[])
Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
PalindromicNumber ob=new PalindromicNumber();
System.out.println("Enter the original number");
int n=sc.nextInt();
int count=0;
int n1=n, x1=0, d1=0;
while(n1>0) //this checks if the original no. is a palindrome or not
if (x1==n)
System.out.println("The original number="+n+"is a palindrome number");
for (count=0;count<15;count++)
int a=ob.PalinReverse(n);
System.out.println("The reversed number is"+a);
int b=ob.PalinCheck(n,a);
System.out.println("The no. of steps it took was"count+1);
break;// the palindromic no. is now found out
n=b;//used to update the value of n
The problem is in your PalinReverse
method. Your while
loop is running infinitely because the condition is always true.
while (n>0)
while (n1>0)
You should also learn how to debug a program. Your life will be 10 times easy after that.