
Register an URL protocol / URI scheme to an application installed by Install4j?

We provide a cross-platform installer for one of our applications through Install4j. We would like to be able to register the installed application to an URL protocol. Can that be done with Install4j?

A bit of background: our application is an XMPP client. We would like to have it started when a user invokes an URL that starts with "xmpp". This is similar to how a browser is opened when clicking on a link that starts with "http" and how a mail client is opened when clicking on a link that starts with "mailto".

There appear to be numerous, platform-specific solutions, but as our application is a cross-platform application, we'd like to be able to have a cross-platform solution.


  • As of install4j 6.1.5 this is not a feature in install4j. It's in our issuer tracker, though and I have added your feedback to the issue.

    Update 2019-11-26

    Since install4j 8, the "Register a URL handler" action provides this functionality for Windows, macOS and Linux.