I am trying to configure my Bunyan Logger for NodeJS project. This configuration was working fine, until I started to convert my project to Typescript.
Here is the configuration function for configuring my loggers in the file MyLogger.ts:
import { createWriteStream } from 'fs'
import { stdSerializers, createLogger } from 'bunyan'
const pkg = require('../../package.json')
export default function (logLevel: string = 'debug', logFolder: string) {
const logOptions = {
serializers: stdSerializers,
name: `${pkg.name}-${pkg.version}`,
streams: [
{ level: 'error', stream: process.stderr },
{ level: logLevel, stream: process.stdout }
if (logFolder) {
{ level: logLevel, stream: createWriteStream(`${logFolder}/${pkg.name}.log`) })
const logger = createLogger ({
name: logOptions.name,
streams: logOptions.streams
return logger
now when I compile the typescript, I get the following error:
lib/config/MyLogger.ts(5,1): error TS4058: Return type of exported function has or is using name 'Logger' from external module "project-folder/node_modules/@types/bunyan/index" but cannot be named.
I am using node version: 6.9.2 Bunyan version: 1.8.5 @types/bunyan": "0.0.35
Any help understanding the error or how to solve this.. would be great. Thanks.
based on the typescript issue here: TS4023
I got the compilation running by adding an import as:
import * as Logger from '@types/bunyan'
and then addding a return type to my exported function as Logger