
How to mount a USB drive on Android Things?

I'm attempting to read files off of a USB drive for an Android Things app on a Raspberry Pi. I'm able to scan the list of mounted devices like so:

public static List<File> ScanForFiles(Context context){
    ArrayList<File> files = new ArrayList<>();
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("/proc/self/mountinfo"));
        String line;
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            String[] columns = line.split(" ");
            Log.i(TAG, "Mounted: " + columns[4]);
            //files.addAll(getListFiles(new File(columns[4])));
    } catch (Exception ex){


    return files;

private static void printFileInformation(String fileName){
    Log.i("TitanTV", "Reading contents of " + fileName);

        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
        String line;
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null){
            Log.i("TitanTV", line);
    } catch (Exception ex){

Which displays the following output:

I: Mounted: /
I: Mounted: /dev
I: Mounted: /dev
I: Mounted: /dev/pts
I: Mounted: /dev/memcg
I: Mounted: /dev/cpuctl
I: Mounted: /proc
I: Mounted: /sys
I: Mounted: /sys/fs/selinux
I: Mounted: /sys/fs/pstore
I: Mounted: /acct
I: Mounted: /mnt
I: Mounted: /mnt/runtime/default/emulated
I: Mounted: /mnt/runtime/read/emulated
I: Mounted: /mnt/runtime/write/emulated
I: Mounted: /config
I: Mounted: /data
I: Mounted: /oem
I: Mounted: /gapps
I: Mounted: /storage
I: Mounted: /storage/emulated
I: Mounted: /storage/self
I: Reading contents of /proc/partitions
I: major minor  #blocks  name
I:    1        0       8192 ram0
I:    1        1       8192 ram1
I:    1        2       8192 ram2
I:    1        3       8192 ram3
I:    1        4       8192 ram4
I:    1        5       8192 ram5
I:    1        6       8192 ram6
I:    1        7       8192 ram7
I:    1        8       8192 ram8
I:    1        9       8192 ram9
I:    1       10       8192 ram10
I:    1       11       8192 ram11
I:    1       12       8192 ram12
I:    1       13       8192 ram13
I:    1       14       8192 ram14
I:    1       15       8192 ram15
I:  179        0    7761920 mmcblk0
I:  179        1      65536 mmcblk0p1
I:  179        2       1024 mmcblk0p2
I:  179        3       1024 mmcblk0p3
I:  179        4      32768 mmcblk0p4
I:  179        5      32768 mmcblk0p5
I:  179        6     524288 mmcblk0p6
I:  179        7     524288 mmcblk0p7
I:  179        8         64 mmcblk0p8
I:  179        9         64 mmcblk0p9
I:  179       10       1024 mmcblk0p10
I:  179       11      32768 mmcblk0p11
I:  179       12      32768 mmcblk0p12
I:  179       13     262144 mmcblk0p13
I:  179       14     262144 mmcblk0p14
I:  179       15    2683736 mmcblk0p15
I:    8        0    7847935 sda
I:    8        1    7845888 sda1

However, my thumb drive isn't apart of the list. So I'm guessing I need to mount it in some way. How can I mount the thumb drive and access the files on it?



    Seem like as of now USB drives aren't mounted automatically. In order to make your code work I had to mount it manually.

    As you can see (from /proc/partitions) in the /proc partition the USB drive is detected as sda.

    ADB mounting

    Now you should be able to list (and manage) the files on the USB drive both via ADB and from within the app (/mnt/usb will also be logged).