
WordPress simple Image Shortcode

I am a newbie, please help me with creating a wordpress image shortcode, as simple as:

[img src=""]

Which shows its thumbnail (thumbnail width=100%), links to OR opens the same source image, when clicked.

I tried searching but could not find in existing plugins, please guide me if any.

Please guide me thoroughly for every copy paste in function.php or anywhere else.


  • // Add Shortcode
    function img_shortcode($atts)
        // Attributes
        $atts = shortcode_atts(
            'src' => '',
            'link_to_img' => '',
            ], $atts, 'img'
        $return = '';
        if ($atts['link_to_img'] == 'yes')
            $return = '<a href="' . $atts['src'] . '">
                        <img src="' . $atts['src'] . '"/>
            $return = '<img src="' . $atts['src'] . '"/>';
        // Return HTML code
        return $return;
    add_shortcode('img', 'img_shortcode');

    Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or theme). Or also in any plugin php files.

    Without link:: In PHP

    echo do_shortcode('[img src="" link_to_img="no"]');

    Without link:: In Editor

    [img src="" link_to_img="no"]

    With link:: In PHP

    echo do_shortcode('[img src="" link_to_img="yes"]');

    With link:: In Editor

    [img src="" link_to_img="yes"]

    Hope this helps!