
How to get a carousel at the top of a page on Plone 5

I have tried to get a carousel working for plone 5 using the following packages:


The install all worked fine. Then in the folder in which I'd like to have a carousel at the top of the page, I tried to create a panel from the Portlets menu. This fails with the following error:

(stack snipped a bit)

Module, line 161, in __call__
Module, line 415, in render_edit_manager_portlets
Module zope.component._api, line 107, in getMultiAdapter
Module zope.component._api, line 120, in queryMultiAdapter
Module zope.component.registry, line 238, in queryMultiAdapter
Module zope.interface.adapter, line 532, in queryMultiAdapter
Module collective.panels.content, line 149, in __call__

NotImplementedError: This portlet manager does not provide a renderer.

This error is thrown from the:


method since something is clearly not sub-classing it and overriding this method.

I have followed some alternative instructions ( which doesn't use the Panels package, but this doesn't display the carousel at the top of the page (the name does start with 'top'), but it is placed along with the other left portlets.

What else should I be doing to make this work? I have installed Plone 5.0 (5011) running on ubuntu 14.04.

Many thanks for any tips.


  • You are probably using an (or more) add-on not Plone 5 compatible.

    You said you found a compatible ones but it's not in the position you like: remember that you are on Plone 5 and you have Diazo under the hood.

    When using Diazo you don't need anymore to think about where an add-on will display something but you, through theme's rules, can move elements in the proper position.

    Final though: when you have Diazo a lot of UI add-ons like carousel, sliders, can be skipped completely if you don't need to manage them from the CMS. Just find a carousel you like and integrate it in the theme.