I have implemented the MVP on my android application and am looking at creating test scripts to test basic behavior functionality. Long story short, is there a way to get an instance of the shadow object I've created?
I would like to be able to tell the mock model object what to return in a method, for example, when getGender() is called, return Male, but for another method, getGender() will return Female.
I've found away to do it now but I was lucky with the design of the model. This is the test:
@Config(constants = BuildConfig.class, sdk = 22, shadows = { GenderPreferenceInteractorShaddow.class })
public class newPreferenceBehaviourTest {
public void clickingLogin_shouldStartLoginActivity() {
NewPreferenceMobileActivityTest activity = Robolectric.setupActivity(NewPreferenceMobileActivityTest.class);
The model constructor takes a context as a construct, so I can create a test activity, which extends the activity I want to test.
public class NewPreferenceMobileActivityTest extends NewPreferenceMobileActivity {
public Gender getGender() {
return gender;
public void setGender(Gender gender) {
this.gender = gender;
private Gender gender;
This new model will contain a getter and setter for the value I want to change. In the constructor of the shadow object, I can cast the context as test activity and then the getter of the mocked model can return what I want:
public class GenderPreferenceInteractorShaddow {
private NewPreferenceMobileActivityTest newPreferenceMobileActivityTest;
private GenderPreferenceMVP.onFinished onFinished;
public void __constructor__ (Context context) {
newPreferenceMobileActivityTest = (NewPreferenceMobileActivityTest) context;
public void saveGender(Gender gender) {
public Gender getGender()
return newPreferenceMobileActivityTest.getGender();
EDIT --> Not possible but there is a work around. In the GenderPreferenceInteractorShaddow class, pass a reference back to NewPreferenceMobileActivityTest class and we have a reference to the class.
public void __constructor__ (Context context) {
newPreferenceMobileActivityTest = (NewPreferenceMobileActivityTest) context;
public class NewPreferenceMobileActivityTest extends NewPreferenceMobileActivity {
private GenderPreferenceInteractorShaddow genderPreferenceInteractorShaddow;
public ladenzeile.android.newPreference.GenderPreferenceInteractorShaddow getGenderPreferenceInteractorShaddow() {
return genderPreferenceInteractorShaddow;
public void setGenderPreferenceInteractorShaddow(ladenzeile.android.newPreference.GenderPreferenceInteractorShaddow genderPreferenceInteractorShaddow) {
this.genderPreferenceInteractorShaddow = genderPreferenceInteractorShaddow;
A downside to this is that you need to set the Gender variable to a default value
You could use ShadowExtractor like this:
GenderPreferenceInteractorShaddow shadowGender = (GenderPreferenceInteractorShaddow) ShadowExtractor.extract(genderPreferenceInteractor);