Trying to figure out how to use the Predicate syntax in Ruby methods ...
Docs introduce the wildcard but forget to mention how to exactly use them in a query (or Ruby) so for a Calabash noob this is difficult. I tried this in Calabash iOS console:
query("* {text CONTAINS 'foo'}"
didn't work!
query("* marked:{text CONTAINS 'foo'}"
didn't work!
In Ruby it becomes more puzzling:
check_element_exists("* marked:# CONTAINS 'sometext'")
No go!
Can some Calabash genius enlighten me?
The different samples you have posted all seems to be doing different things. I think it will be easier to help if you have a more concrete example of what you want to query for and what your view contains.
You have probably been by the Xamarin page
Grabbing a piece from one of my own files I have used it like this in a similar check
res = element_exists "* {text LIKE '*foo*'}"