I am working inside of a DocumentFragment, and am attempting to insert HTML into it. We know that that a DocumentFragment does not have an innerHTML setter, so I attempted to insert a temporary node into the DocumentFragment and insert HTML after it using insertAdjacentHTML
. I would then remove the temporary element, and be left with a fragment with the DOM I wanted.
Example: (error is on purpose)
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
var temporaryElement = fragment.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
// Before we move on.. I can see that the `temporaryElement` does have a parent
// The following throws an error...
temporaryElement.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', '<div>Some crazy custom HTML..</div>');
I can clearly see that there is a parentNode for the temporary element, so why would I get this error?
You can:
element, innerHTML
property, content
property. //Use a template
var template = document.createElement( 'template' )
template.innerHTML = '<td>Hello<td>World'
//Get the document fragment
var fragment = template.content
Row.appendChild( fragment )
<tr id=Row></tr>