
How to find current package name from perl XS?

To get current context I find caller_cx function in perlapi. But there is no description for structure. In perl source code perl.h I can find only this typedef:

typedef struct context PERL_CONTEXT;

Is there examples how to use this struct returned by caller_cx to find current package from XS?


  • The context struct is defined cop.h as mentioned by @Dada in the comments:

    struct context {
        union {
        struct block    cx_blk;
        struct subst    cx_subst;
        } cx_u;

    also the block structures are defined in cop.h.

    By inspecting the C implementation of the Perl caller function in pp_ctl.c (line 1850), I think you can get the package name using the following code:

    const PERL_CONTEXT *cx = caller_cx(0, NULL);
    char *pack_name = HvNAME((HV*)CopSTASH(cx->blk_oldcop));