
Custom close dialog menu buttons

As you are undoubtedly aware any windows form in the topmost area when right clicking on it will bring up the following menu.

|  Restore |
|   Move   |
|   Size   |
| Minimize |
| Maximize |
|  Close   |

Unfortunately I have no idea what this menu is called and could probably google an answer if I did but either way I have seen applications that have added custom functionality of their own in this area. How would that be accomplished?

I am assuming a registry entry somewhere? Lastly is there some way of passing in the name of the calling process when your custom button is clicked?


  • It is called 'System Menu' and it can be customized. See this example. Another and maybe easier to understand example here at Codeguru.com.

    In this case I assumed you're using .NET. Can you confirm this?