
Create bounding box from center coordinate

I'm trying to create a bounding box at a specific scale from a center coordinate. I'm trying to keep it within the aspect ratio of a 8.5x11inch piece of paper (612x792 pixels @ 72dpi).

The code I'm using below mostly works, but the heigh seems a bit too tall for the aspect ratio of a letter. Am I not accounting for mercator projection? What am I missing here?

def bounding_box_from_point(center:, size:, scale_denominator:)
  dpi = 72
  inches_per_unit = 4374754
  resolution = 1 / (scale_denominator * inches_per_unit * dpi)
  half_width_deg = (size.width * resolution) / 2
  half_height_deg = (size.height * resolution) / 2
    north: + half_height_deg,
    south: - half_height_deg,
    east: center.lon + half_width_deg,
    west: center.lon - half_width_deg

Calling bounding_box_from_point(center: center, size: size, scale_denominator: scale) with:

scale = 0.0008861342166177423 (i.e. 1/18055.955520)
center = 37.806336, lon: -122.270625)
size.width = 612,
size.height = 792

It returns:

west: -122.27172131608657,
east: -122.26952868391342,
south: 37.804917238005615
north: 37.80775476199439

If you go to and enter those bounding box coordinates, you can see that the ratio does not match that of a 8.5x11in piece of's slightly too tall. What am I doing wrong here or not understanding?


  • This was my implementation that solved it!

    def self.bounding_box_from_location(location:, scale:)
      scale_meters_per_pixel = 0.0003
      # scale.zoom is an integer between 0-19
      # See for a description on `zoom`
      # location.lat_rad is the latitude in radians, same for lon_rad
      meters_per_pixel = EARTH_CIR * Math.cos(location.lat_rad) / (2 ** (scale.zoom + 8))
      earth_meters_per_pictureMeters = meters_per_pixel / scale_meters_per_pixel
      # height/width in meters is the height/width of the box you're applying this to
      # In my case I'm using the heigh/width of a Letter of paper
      # You can convert Pixels to meters (@ 72dpi) with
      # pixels * 0.00035277777777777776
      meters_north = earth_meters_per_pictureMeters * scale.height_in_meters / 2
      meters_east = earth_meters_per_pictureMeters * scale.width_in_meters / 2
      meters_per_degree_lat = 111111.0
      meters_per_degree_long = 111111.0 * Math.cos(location.lat_rad)
      degrees_north = meters_north / meters_per_degree_lat
      degrees_east = meters_east / meters_per_degree_long
        north: ( + degrees_north),
        south: - degrees_north,
        east: location.lon + degrees_east,
        west: location.lon - degrees_east,
        width: scale.width_in_pixels,
        height: scale.height_in_pixels