I have User table with relations "followers" and "following". I'm trying to find all objects in "following" relation. As I know, Parse limit
by default will return 100 objects, which is why I need to set limit
on the number of objects to return. However, it doesn't seem to work for me, as I keep getting only 100 "followings" (there are 121 objects in the database).
Here is my code:
//find number of followings of user(userid)
static func getFollowings(_ user: User, closure: @escaping ([PFObject]?, Error?) -> Void){
//find User objects in a "following" relation
let relation = user.relation(forKey: "following")
relation.query().limit = 999
relation.query().findObjectsInBackground {
(objects: [PFObject]?, error: Error?) -> Void in
if let error = error {
closure(nil, error)
} else {
closure(objects, error)
//objects have all Users that current user is following.
I was able to solve my problem by changing files spec/CloudCode.spec.js, spec/ParseAPI.spec.js, src/Routers/ClassesRouter.js myself on parse-server, as was suggested in this pull request on Github.
Thanks to @MazelTov, for the link.
I was using ParseServer 2.2.23.