
Bookdown error seq.default for epub but not for pdf

I am using bookdown to produce epub with math. I usually export muy bookdown book to pdf (latex) and epub3. With one specific file, running with pdf_book() option goes well, but when using epub_book() option I have this error:

render_book("tema25.Rmd", epub_book())

processing file: _main.Rmd
  |.................................................................| 100%
  ordinary text without R code

output file:

Error in seq.default(dots[[1L]][[11L]], dots[[2L]][[11L]]) : 
  'to' cannot be NA, NaN or infinite

my yaml options are

title: "Title"
author: Me
webtex: /home/javier/Dropbox/sec/texsvg.hs
lang: es-ES
documentclass: book
toc: yes

How can I solve this?

Thank you


  • I finally solved it. It turns out that it had to do with having equations like "\[ \]" and then a blank line. Taking out those blank lines the problem was solved.

    EDIT: I later found out that using $$...$$ avoids any kind of trouble.