
Mqtt and Push notifications

I have made an app for ios devices that can connect to a mqtt broker and send and receive messages when the app is in the front or background state.

Now I want to archive to receive messages even if I terminate the app from the background state.

I believe pushy is a very good documented service so I was looking at this and its backend tutorial.

For my broker I use hivemq and my question now is, can I modify the code that uses to send messages with that the pushy has? Or maybe could I use another broker more flexible?

To sum up I want to know how can I setup my broker to send push notifications (hivemq or anything else more customizable)

Any documentation will be great

Thanks in advance.


  • Finally I found out what it should be.

    Hivemq has a guide for developing a plugin with java, so that I did, I implemented push notification backend and with mysql connected clients and when the message comes I search offline clients with the topic of the message and send only to them the push!

    Thanks all for your help.