I'm trying to get kiss fft to compile both float and double implementations in the same app using visual studio 2013. I see that all I need to do is set the kiss_fft_scalar to double and re-compile to get double.
To this end I put together a header whereby I include the headers with kiss_fft_scalar changed inside 2 different namespaces as follows:
namespace KissFloat
#undef KISS_FFT_H
#undef KISS_FTR_H
#define kiss_fft_scalar float
#include "kiss_fft.h"
#include "tools/kiss_fftr.h"
namespace KissDouble
#undef KISS_FFT_H
#undef KISS_FTR_H
#define kiss_fft_scalar double
#include "kiss_fft.h"
#include "tools/kiss_fftr.h"
I can't however figure out how to include the cpp code. I've tried a seperate KissFloat and KissDouble file. I've then tried a few things in the cpp file but everything I try ends up with compile errors. usually relating to struct redefinition.
Can anyone think of a way to make this work? Or am I just better off re-writing kiss fft using templates?
So I've discovered that Eigen has done the work of templating kiss FFT for me. Yay to other people doing the hard work! ;)
Eigen is available here:
and the kiss fft implementation is under