I'm trying to give the RepeatButton
the flat look w/o overriding the ControlTemplate
. With the regular Button
you can do the following (but not with the RepeatButton
<Button BorderThickness="0" Style="{StaticResource {x:Static ToolBar.ButtonStyleKey}}">...
Is there something similar for the RepeatButton
or for ButtonBase
? I'm assuming no because if you put a RepeatButton
in a ToolBar
is does not get a flat look.
Is there a better way to give the RepeatButton
a flat look other than overriding the ControlTemplate
Here's what came up with for a flat RepeatButton Style with a Path as content:
<Style x:Key="RepeatButtonFlat" TargetType="{x:Type RepeatButton}">
<Setter Property="OverridesDefaultStyle" Value="true"/>
<Setter Property="Focusable" Value="false"/>
<Setter Property="IsTabStop" Value="false"/>
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type RepeatButton}">
<Border Background="Transparent" Height="14" Width="14">
<Path HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Stretch="Uniform" Margin="2"
Data="{Binding Path=Content, RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}}" />
Sample usage:
<RepeatButton Style="{StaticResource ScrollBarLineButton}" Content="M0,0 L1,0 .5,-.5 Z"/>