I have a spreadsheet with lots of named ranges, and I'd like to have a sort of table of contents which provides hyperlinks to jump to them.
In the UI I can create a hyperlink to a named range, which ends up with the format:
Where xxxx is a long spreadsheet id, and yyyy is a series of digits.
Since I have an awful lot of these, I'd like to use Google Apps Script to generate all of these links programatically. I can find the named range objects using Spreadsheet.getRangeByName, but I can't find a way to get a rangeid from this.
It doesn't appear that this is possible, but as a workaround, Karl_S suggested using a range link which does work:
function createNamedRangeUrl(name) {
var root = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var range = root.getRangeByName(name);
var sheetId = range.getSheet().getSheetId();
var rangeCode = range.getA1Notation();
return ("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/" +
root.getId() + "/edit#gid=" + sheetId + "&range=" + rangeCode);