I did select an item from a list (using the code bellow), I'm need now to send a ctrl+E
. The problem is that somehow the SendKeys method isn't available, I can't use SendKeys('^e')
. (This shortcut will edit the selected item in the ditto app)
from pywinauto.application import Application
from pywinauto import findbestmatch
from pywinauto import keyboard #not sure if I need to import it
#---- print all available methods of the object
print(dir(ditto.ditto.SysListView321.wrapper_object())) #( the list does not contains 'SendKeys')
#-----Find and select the item (containing 'xxx') in the SysListView321
#The list of texts to search through
texts = ditto.ditto.SysListView321.texts()[1:] #skip window text itself, use only item texts
# The list of items corresponding (1 to 1) to the list of texts to search through.
items = ditto.ditto.SysListView321.items() #>>[]
found_item = findbestmatch.find_best_match('xxx', texts, items, limit_ratio=0.1).Select()
Some Errors:
... WindowSpecification class has no 'SendKeys' method
... findbestmatch.MatchError: Could not find 'keyboard' in 'dict_keys(['', 'Header'])'
[EDIT] (More errors)
win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(self.handle) pywintypes.error: (0, 'SetForegroundWindow', 'No error message is available')
AttributeError: module 'pywinauto.keyboard' has no attribute 'send_keys'
(Ps. for beginners: app.Ditto
is equivalent to app.window(best_match='Ditto')
For the specified UI element this method is
# it will activate target window if it's not in focus
keyboard.SendKeys('^e') # should work also if you don't change active window
It can be used without binding to any specific control.
So you shouldn't try using module name (like keyboard
) as an attribute name of any object. It's Python. Just learn Python basics and you will understand pywinauto better as well.