It's my first application with Angular 2.
We run aot and rollup in order to generate a bundle. But we must always add polyfills (shim, reflect-metadata and zone.js) to the index.html with script
HTML element.
Is it possible to add this polyfills to the bundle?
Another question: How add external JS libraries to the bundle. Actually, like polyfills we must add them to the index.html
You can create a separate bundle for globals and polyfills with something like gulp or webpack and include it your index.html. e.g. with gulp you could do
let globalJs = gulp.series(
function cleanGlobalJs() {
return del('dist/global*.js')
function BuildGlobalJs() {
return gulp.src([
This is taken from an angular build I setup with rollup here
If you really wanted one bundle you could just concatenate this bundle with the one from rollup.