
Get system memory information from julia

Is there a nice way to get the current system information in julia (my use case here is memory but also interested in basically anything information that I could get from running top on linux).

This is what I have at the moment: (basically just getting the output of `free -m`)<- I can't get this to let me escape backticks and keep code highlighting...

import Base.DataFmt: readdlm_string, invalid_dlm

Returns (in MB) A tuple of containing:
    - Memory(total, used, buffer, available)
    - Swap(total, used, free)
function getmeminfo()
    memstats = readdlm_string(readstring(`free -m`),invalid_dlm(Char), Int, '\n', true, Dict())
    return Tuple{Array{Int,1},Array{Int,1}}((memstats[2,[2;3;6;7]], memstats[3,[2;3;4]]))

Is there something in Base or any better ideas?


  • The built-in Sys module contains functions dedicated to retrieving system information.

    julia> VERSION
    julia> Sys.total_memory() / 2^20
    julia> Sys.free_memory() / 2^20
    julia> Sys.CPU_NAME
    julia> Sys.
    ARCH              KERNEL             WORD_SIZE          eval               isexecutable       set_process_title
    BINDIR            MACHINE            __init__           free_memory        islinux            total_memory
    CPU_NAME          SC_CLK_TCK         _cpu_summary       get_process_title  isunix             uptime
    CPU_THREADS       STDLIB             _show_cpuinfo      include            iswindows          which
    CPUinfo           UV_cpu_info_t      cpu_info           isapple            loadavg            windows_version
    JIT               WINDOWS_VISTA_VER  cpu_summary        isbsd              maxrss
    julia> # Above after pressing Tab key twice

    While it does not support all of the information provided by top, it will hopefully provide the information you are looking for.