
How to compile node-sass in current dir for individual files

I have a structure like so:

- folder1
  - styles1.scss

- folder2
  - styles2.scss

I need to run node-sass from the command line to produce the following:

- folder1
  - styles1.scss
  - styles1.css

- folder2
  - styles2.scss
  - styles2.css

These folder will be a lot eventually. So I'd like all the individual files to compile to CSS next to their .scss file.

Currently I have:

"sass:build": "node-sass src/app/**/*.scss -o src/app/"

But this just puts stuff directly into src/app, regardless the depth of the folder inside src/app How would I do this?


  • As @cyrix pointed out in the comments, I can achieve my goal using:

    node-sass src/app -o src/app