
What's the best way to make a ZF3 application with no default router?

I made a Zend Framework 3 MVC application. I don't want a default router. My one controller RESTFUL and only returning JSON. I want to remove the default IndexController. I want / to just give a 404 error. I'd prefer not to call any route 'home' but will do that if necessary.

If I make my route config look like this:

'router' => [
    'routes' => [
        'myRoute' => [
            'type'    => Segment::class,
            'options' => [
                'route'    => '/myThing[/:action]',
                'defaults' => [
                    'controller' => Controller\MyThingController::class,
                    'action'     => 'index',

I get the following exception when I connect to a route that worked when I kept the default index controller in my browser:

Fatal error: Uncaught Zend\Router\Exception\RuntimeException: Route with name "home" not found in /var/www/vendor/zendframework/zend-router/src/Http/TreeRouteStack.php on line 354

If I change 'myRoute' => [ to 'home' => [ It renders the default layout instead of the Json rendered by JsonViewModel.


  • I just put an IndexController with a default route that renders the defautl 404 page for now. I'm going to make it return JSON at some point when I figure out how.

    class IndexController extends AbstractRestfulController
        public function indexAction()