For an automated test script, I would like to generate random UUID values at runtime, so I added some YAML that looks like this:
nationalId: !!python/object:uuid.uuid4
However, this generates an error when I try to yaml.load
the value:
ConstructorError: expected a mapping node, but found scalar
in "<unicode string>", line 4, column 17:
nationalId: !!python/object:uuid.uuid4
How do I inject a UUID value via YAML tags?
I found the error message a bit intimidating at first, but after some thought, I was able to unpack it.
The parser is expecting a "mapping" node, not a scalar. So, what happens if I add a mapping?
>>> yaml.load('''---
... applicant:
... idNumbers:
... nationalId: !!python/object:uuid.uuid4 {}''')
{'applicant': {'idNumbers': {'nationalId': UUID('71e09d1d-e84e-4ea6-855d-be1a2e91b60a')}}}
Additional info: