I'm using python and the library from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
and I'm parsing through some Lat/Long coordinates and I want to get the county of the coordinates.
This is what I'm doing:
def getCounty(data):
#print(data["geo"]["coordinates"]) # Getting Lat/Long coordinates
geo_data = data["geo"]["coordinates"]
geo_detail = geolocator.reverse(geo_data)
except TypeError,e:
geo_data = "null"
geo_detail = "N/A"
ctr = 0
i = 0
j = 0
if(geo_detail != "N/A"):
while(geo_detail[i]!= ',' and ctr == 4):
if(ctr == 3):
if(geo_detail[j] == ','):
ctr = ctr+1
county = geo_detail
county = "No Location Provided"
return county[i:j]
This for some reason returns ()
when I do: return county
, It does return all the information from those coordinates.
It seems like I'm not able to get the substring of the variable county
How can I get the county attribute or what are other ways I could get the county?
Split that output string on the comma, and get the 4th index (the county):
return geo_detail.address.split(",")[3] # Milwaukee County