
JUnit Testing: How To Test If Statements Without Missing A Branch?

I have run EclEmma for coverage on my JUnit Test Cases and have reached up to 100% on some. However, on the ones that are 82% or 95% covered, there is a message next to my code that says "1 of 2 branches missed" and I can't seem to solve this issue.

After looking over my classes, I noticed that this message only appears next to my if-statements, and that is what's keeping my tests from being 100% covered.

I guess I'm asking if anyone knows how to test an if-statement in JUnit, so that neither branch is missed.

This is the code I'm trying to test:

private double height;
    public void setHeight(double height){
        if(height <=0){
            this.height = 0;
            this.height = height;
    }//method close

( I am using JUnit 4 )


  • Simple:

    you want to have one distinct test case per path within your method under test; like:

    Each of them gives specific input to your method under test and checks for the expected output.

    Where the real take away here is: consider thinking about your code. You should not need a coverage tool to figure that you need more tests for your method. Instead: you look at your method, and think what it is doing; and then you write testcases.

    Coverage is fine to tell you that you did the right thing; but "doing the right thing" is what you should strive to do by yourself; and not to meet some numbers.

    And, as the comments point out: consider using the TDD approach: when you write your tests before you create the "matching" piece of production code, then you make that "thinking" part an essential element of your working procedure.