OSX 10.10.5
Aquamacs 3.3 GNU Emacs 25.1.1
(x86_64-apple-darwin14.1.0, NS appkit-1344.72 Version 10.10.2
(Build 14C109))of 2016-09-19 on 24a02db
I'm trying to get flymake to work with Erlang files. I followed the directions here:
But when I do:
M-x flymake-mode
I get the error:
Flymake: Configuration error has occurred while running
(/Users/me/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/my_erlang_valid_checker.erl
aqua_flymake.erl). Flymake will be switched OFF
(The erlang file I was editing was named aqua.erl.)
I used the initialization file:
~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs\ Emacs/Preferences.el
I put the escript (at the link above) in the same directory and named it:
I also made it executable:
$ chmod a+x my_erlang_valid_checker.erl
And, I changed the following line in the lisp code that I put into Preferences.el to specify the path to that file:
(list "~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs\ Emacs/my_erlang_valid_checker.erl"
(list local-file))))
I tried reloading Preferences.el:
M-x eval-buffer
And, I tried quitting Aquamacs and relaunching it, but I still get the config error.
I added the line:
(message "************ Aquamacs **************")
to Preferences.el, and I see the output in the Messages buffer.
I noticed that the escript specifies an include directory:
{i, "../include"}]
but the directory:
doesn't exist, so I tried removing the include directory from the escript, but that didn't fix the configuration error.
I also executed the syntax checking escript (at the link above) as a stand alone erlang program, and it runs with no errors.
It's my understanding that flymake is already installed in Aquamacs, but I tried putting a copy of flymake.el in the same directory as my init file:
~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs\ Emacs/
That directory is in my load path, as shown by:
C-h v load-path RET
but I still got the configuration error.
The instructions on that wiki page seem to be obsolete. With the current erlang-mode, all you need to do is add the following to your .emacs
(require 'erlang-flymake)
That should set up the appropriate hook for running flymake in buffers visiting Erlang source files.