
itgenobr001: Client not found. on Data Access Point with Exact Online Belgium

We have just gone live with https://ecotaksen.be. The queries and updates on Exact were running fine, but after installing the production license an error itgenobr001: Client not found. occurs.

My data container specification is:

<database order="1" 

The connection to Exact Online using Query Tool with the same credentials and connection string is working fine.

How can I solve the itgenobr001 error?


  • In fact it was quite simple to solve: the "Client" referred to is the application. I needed to add the client ID of Exact Online app to my connection string, since Data Access Point requires a client ID when using a production license.

    Resulting data container specification:

    <database order="1" creationDate="2016-04-13T09:11:03.3584276+02:00" provider="ExactOnlineAll"
     connectionString="apiUrl=https://start.exactonline.be;api-client-id=MYID" />

    After that, I got a itgenobr001: Invalid authorization request., and that one required addition of the redirect url as specified in the My Apps page in Exact Online:

    <database order="1" creationDate="2016-04-13T09:11:03.3584276+02:00" provider="ExactOnlineAll" 
    connectionString="apiUrl=https://start.exactonline.be;api-client-id=MYID;apiredirecturl=https://ecotaksen.be" />