I'm running Parse-Server v2.2.12 and am trying to run a job that pulls a huge dataset (~13k records), processes it and then saves each record to a table in my Parse db. It appears that my server is unable to accept all the save requests. I get a code 100
error with the message: XMLHttpRequest failed: "Unable to connect to the Parse API"
for about 60% of the save requests.
My code looks something like this:
makeHttpRequest('GET', endpoint).then( (httpResponse) => {
const dataArray = httpResponse.body.array;
const Class = Parse.Object.extend('className');
const savePromises = _.map(dataArray, (jsonObject) => {
const object = new Class();
object.set(IdKey, "" + jsonObject.id);
object.set(nameKey, jsonObject.name);
return object.save(null, {useMasterKey: true});
return Parse.Promise.when(savePromises);
I've tried breaking the array up into thirds (~4.5k records) and performing each set of saves sequentially using promise.then
but I'm still getting:
"code": 100,
"message": "XMLHttpRequest failed: \"Unable to connect to the Parse API\""
Update: After migrating this job to our production server which is https-enabled, I get a slightly different error message and many more of the saves complete. I suspect more saves complete due to the additional capacity of our production servers. The new error looks like:
"code": 100,
"message": "XMLHttpRequest failed: {\"UNSENT\":0,\"OPENED\":1,\"HEADERS_RECEIVED\":2,\"LOADING\":3,\"DONE\":4,\"readyState\":4,\"responseText\":\"\",\"responseXML\":\"\",\"status\":504,\"statusText\":null,\"withCredentials\":false}"
I solved this by using Parse.Object.saveAll(objects)
. Now I don't have any problem saving all 13k records in one fell swoop. Code looks like this:
makeHttpRequest('GET', endpoint).then( (httpResponse) => {
const dataArray = httpResponse.body.array;
const Class = Parse.Object.extend('className');
const allObjects = _.map(dataArray, (jsonObject) => {
const object = new Class();
object.set(IdKey, "" + jsonObject.id);
object.set(nameKey, jsonObject.name);
return object;
return Parse.Object.saveAll(allObjects, {useMasterKey: true});
Everything seems to be working fine now.