
Preventing duplicate Blob objects in IndexedDB

Is there a built-in solution to prevent duplicate Blob objects within different records in IndexedDB?

Say I have this schema for a music store: id, title, album, artwork, and I wanted to add 2 songs from the same album to this store (so they most likely have the same artwork asset). Is there a built-in way to automatically store the artwork only once?

What I've tried:

var database = new Dexie('TheDatabase');
database.version(1).stores({artworks: '++id, &artwork'});

var dbArt = database.artworks;

var artworkBlob = getBlob(image);


Am I misusing the unique flag in any way? Is it not supported in Blob objects?


  • Even though IndexedDB supports storing Blobs, it does not support indexing Blobs. Indexable properties can only be of type string, number, Date or Array<string | number | Date>. If not, IndexedDB will just silently ignore to index that particular object.

    Also, in your sample code, you are not referring the artworks table, and you are trying to put the blob by itself instead of putting the document containing the blob property.

    So what you could do instead, is to compute a hash / digest of the blob content and store as a string that you may index using a unique index.

    var dbArt = new Dexie('TheDatabase');
        artworks: `
            &artworkDigest` // & = unique index of the digest
    var artworkBlob = getBlob(image); // get it somehow...
    // Now, compute hash before trying to put blob into DB
    computeHash(artworkBlob).then(artworkDigest => {
        // Put the blob along with it's uniqely indexed digest
        return dbArt.artworks.put({
            title: theTitle,
            album: theAlbum,
            artwork: artworkBlob,
            artworkDigest: artworkDigest
        console.log("Successfully stored the blob");
    }).catch(error => {
        // Second time you try to store the same blob, you'll
        // end up here with a 'ConstraintError' since the digest
        // will be same and conflict the uniqueness constraint.
        console.error(`Failed to store the blob: ${error}`);
    function computeHash (blob) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            // Convert to ArrayBuffer
            var fileReader = new FileReader();
            fileReader.onload = () => resolve(filerReader.result);
            fileReader.onerror = () => reject(filerReader.error);
        }).then (arrayBuffer => {
            // Compute Digest
            return crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", arrayBuffer);
        }).then (digest => {
            // Convert ArrayBuffer to string (to make it indexable)
            return String.fromCharCode.apply(
                null, new Uint8Array(digest));

    Side note: In IndexedDB 2.0, ArrayBuffers are indexable (but not Blobs still). However, I would never recommend to index such a large value in any database. Still better to index the digest.