
Why do we use Factories/Services for ajax calls in Angularjs?

I was taught that we use factories/services to eliminate the duplicate coding. Here's a part of the code which works fine.


         $scope.returnedData =;
        console.log('Error in process',response.status,;

app.controller('ContactCtrl',['$scope','DataFactory', function($scope,DataFactory){

         $scope.returnedData =;
        console.log('Error in process',response.status,;


  var factory = {};

  factory.GetData = function(path) {
    return $http.get(path);

  return factory;

My question is 1. Why use services/factories to make such ajax calls when we have to work on the promises inside controllers? I mean, I have to make the same .then and .catch calls in both the controllers here. Where is the efficiency in it? Is there any better way to do this? Or am I doing this wrong? Is it possible to to work on those promises inside the factories and return the to different controllers?


  • The thing here is re-usability of code . Now suppose you have a service called

      .service('testService', function ($http) {
        this.getBidsUser = function ($username) {
          var endpoint = "bids/users/"+$username;
          return $http({
            method: 'get',
            url: endpoint

    which returns bids of a user . You might want to use the same information in different views. So its a good idea to use service so that you dont have to rewrite same code again .

    Once more you might want to have all the same end point related service on the same service for maintainability .

    You might need to change end points for a service which will be hectic if you do not use service pattern .

    Promises arr call backs . If you process those promises inside a service it will not be easy to maintain caller timeline .