
How to split string and save into an array in T-SQL

I am writing a cursor to populate data in new table from main table which contains data in below manner

Item Colors
Shirt Red,Blue,Green,Yellow

I want to populate new Table data by fetching the Item and then adding it in row, according to each color it contains

Item Color
Shirt Red
Shirt Blue
Shirt Green
Shirt Yellow

I am stuck in how to

  1. Delimit/Split "Colors" string
  2. To save it in an array
  3. To use it in cursor

as I am going to use Nested cursor for this purpose.


  • Using Sql Server 2005+ and the XML datatype, you can have a look at the following

            Item VARCHAR(250),
            Colors VARCHAR(250)
    INSERT INTO @Table SELECT 'Shirt','Red,Blue,Green,Yellow'
    INSERT INTO @Table SELECT 'Pants','Black,White'
    ;WITH Vals AS (
            SELECT  Item,
                    CAST('<d>' + REPLACE(Colors, ',', '</d><d>') + '</d>' AS XML) XmlColumn
            FROM    @Table
    SELECT  Vals.Item,
            C.value('.','varchar(max)') ColumnValue
    FROM    Vals
    CROSS APPLY Vals.XmlColumn.nodes('/d') AS T(C)