I'm trying to implement asynchronism in the backend calls, I've been reading and it seems that GParse is a good library to implement this, but it's not clear to me how i can implement this in a correct way. Can anyone help me? This is my example:
def itemsResults
def locationResults
def itemsNearLocation
GParsPool.withPool {
itemsResults = {searchMyItems()}.async().call()
locationResults = {getLocations()}.async().call()
itemsNearLocation = {getItemsNear(locationResults)}.async().call() // i need locationresults answer in order to call this service
model.putAll(["items": itemsResults,
return "myView"
So, i need to call 2 apis call and then in the third one i need to use one of the response called async before, and finally add this to my model. How can i achieve this?
You could use GPars dataflows for this... Something like this should work I believe (not tried it though):
import groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflows
import static groovyx.gpars.dataflow.Dataflow.task
final def df = new Dataflows()
task {
df.itemsResults = searchMyItems()
task {
df.locationResults = getLocations()
task {
df.itemsNearLocation = getItemsNear(df.locationResults)
def lastTask = task {
model.putAll(["items": df.itemsResults,