
Handling bad messages using Kafka's Streams API

I have a basic stream processing flow which looks like

master topic -> my processing in a mapper/filter -> output topics

and I am wondering about the best way to handle "bad messages". This could potentially be things like messages that I can't deserialize properly, or perhaps the processing/filtering logic fails in some unexpected way (I have no external dependencies so there should be no transient errors of that sort).

I was considering wrapping all my processing/filtering code in a try catch and if an exception was raised then routing to an "error topic". Then I can study the message and modify it or fix my code as appropriate and then replay it on to master. If I let any exceptions propagate, the stream seems to get jammed and no more messages are picked up.

For completeness here is my code (pseudo-ish):

class Document {
    // Fields

class AnalysedDocument {

    Document document;
    String rawValue;
    Exception exception;
    Analysis analysis;

    // All being well
    AnalysedDocument(Document document, Analysis analysis) {...}

    // Analysis failed
    AnalysedDocument(Document document, Exception exception) {...}

    // Deserialisation failed
    AnalysedDocument(String rawValue, Exception exception) {...}

KStreamBuilder builder = new KStreamBuilder();
KStream<String, AnalysedPolecatDocument> analysedDocumentStream = builder
    .stream(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String(), "master")
    .mapValues(new ValueMapper<String, AnalysedDocument>() {
         public AnalysedDocument apply(String rawValue) {
             Document document;
             try {
                 // Deserialise
                 document = ...
             } catch (Exception e) {
                 return new AnalysedDocument(rawValue, exception);
             try {
                 // Perform analysis
                 Analysis analysis = ...
                 return new AnalysedDocument(document, analysis);
             } catch (Exception e) {
                 return new AnalysedDocument(document, exception);

// Branch based on whether analysis mapping failed to produce errorStream and successStream, customPojoSerde(), "error");, customPojoSerde(), "analysed");

KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(builder, config);

Any help greatly appreciated.


  • Right now, Kafka Streams offers only limited error handling capabilities. There is work in progress to simplify this. For now, your overall approach seems to be a good way to go.

    One comment about handling de/serialization errors: handling those error manually, requires you to do de/serialization "manually". This means, you need to configure ByteArraySerdes for key and value for you input/output topic of your Streams app and add a map() that does the de/serialization (ie, KStream<byte[],byte[]> -> map() -> KStream<keyType,valueType> -- or the other way round if you also want to catch serialization exceptions). Otherwise, you cannot try-catch deserialization exceptions.

    With your current approach, you "only" validate that the given string represents a valid document -- but it could be the case, that the message itself is corrupted and cannot be converted into a String in the source operator in the first place. Thus, you don't actually cover deserialization exception with you code. However, if you are sure a deserialization exception can never happen, you approach would be sufficient, too.


    This issues is tackled via KIP-161 and will be included in the next release 1.0.0. It allows you to register an callback via parameter default.deserialization.exception.handler. The handler will be invoked every time a exception occurs during deserialization and allows you to return an DeserializationResponse (CONTINUE -> drop the record an move on, or FAIL that is the default).

    Update 2

    With KIP-210 (will be part of in Kafka 1.1) it's also possible to handle errors on the producer side, similar to the consumer part, by registering a ProductionExceptionHandler via config default.production.exception.handler that can return CONTINUE.