
screen shot with phantomjs is not accurate as its seeing in browser

Hi i am working with PhantomJs to capture screen from url. But it seem sresult not accurate.

version of PhantomJS : 1.9.8, Operating system : Ubuntu 14

With this below code i tried to capture screen from a url but it seems its not giving perfect screen shot.. Or i am doing something wrong ?

See on header part of this website and screen shot..both are not similar.

Result screen shot :

Website which i am trying to capture:

var system = require("system");
if (system.args.length > 0) {
    var page = require('webpage').create();
    page.viewportSize = {width: 1280, height: 1024};[1], function() {
        var pageTitle = system.args[1].replace(/http.*\/\//g, "").replace("www.", "").split("/")[0]
        var filePath = "pageTitle + '.png';

        window.setTimeout(function () {
            page.evaluate(function() {
                document.body.bgColor = 'white';
        }, 200);



  • You use a very outdated PhantomJS version. Considering that, screnshot looks very good. Upgrade to a modern PhantomJS version: 2.1.1 or even better 2.5 beta. Get them here: PhantomJS downloads archive.

    But even a modern version does not support showing videos, so that will not work anyway.

    In your case it does not seem relevant but often is: it is advisable to declare a useragent string of a modern browser. Otherwise many sites show a mobile version of their pages.