
Grade Calculator

I need to do this exercise:

Create a function workOutGradeAv - this method will read in some grades, then work out and display the average grade.

Display a meaningful introductory message.

My code is this:


<!doctype html>
        <title>Grade Assessor</title>

        <h2>Grade Assessor<h2>
        <table border="1">
                        <form action="grades.php" method="post">
                                    Enter 5 grades. One per each line:
                                    Grade 1: <input type="number" name="grade1" required>
                                    Grade 2: <input type="number" name="grade2" required>
                                    Grade 3: <input type="number" name="grade3" required>
                                    Grade 4: <input type="number" name="grade4" required>
                                    Grade 5: <input type="number" name="grade5" required>
                                <td align="center">
                                    <input type="submit">


<!doctype html>

        <title>Grade Assessor</title>

        <h2>Grade Assessor<h2>
        <table border="1">
                                The Average grade is:
                                function workOutGradeAv() {
                                    echo "$averagegrade";
                                do {
                                    if ($_Post["grade1"] < 0 or $_Post["grade1"] > 101) {
                                        echo "Error! Check Input.";
                                    } elseif ($_Post["grade2"] < 0 or $_Post["grade2"] > 101) {
                                        echo "Error! Check Input.";
                                    } elseif ($_Post["grade3"] < 0 or $_Post["grade3"] >101)  {
                                        echo "Error! Check Input.";
                                    } elseif ($_Post["grade4"] < 0 or $_Post["grade4"] >101)  {
                                        echo "Error! Check Input.";
                                    } elseif ($_Post["grade5"] < 0 or  $_Post["grade5"]>101 ) {
                                        echo "Error! Check Input.";
                                    } else {
                                        $grades = $grades + $_Post["grade1"] + $_Post["grade2"] + $_Post["grade3"] + $_Post["grade4"] + $_Post["grade5"];
                                while ($_Post["grade1"]!= 101);

When I submit the form the output is just The Average Grade is and there is no result. What am I doing wrong?


  • You have multiple errors in grades.php

    1)Remove unnecessary do while loop

    2)replace $_Post to $_POST.PHP is case sensitive language.

    3)to display grade in function you have to declare grades as global. Or pass it as parameter.

    <!doctype html>
    <title>Grade Assessor</title>
    <h2>Grade Assessor<h2>
    <table border="1">
    The Average grade is:
    function workOutGradeAv($grades) {
    echo "$averagegrade";
    if ($_POST["grade1"] < 0 || $_POST["grade1"] > 101)   {
    echo "Error! Check Input.";
    } elseif ($_POST["grade2"] < 0 or $_POST["grade2"] > 101) {
    echo "Error! Check Input.";
    } elseif ($_POST["grade3"] < 0 or $_POST["grade3"] >101)  {
    echo "Error! Check Input.";
    } elseif ($_POST["grade4"] < 0 or $_POST["grade4"] >101)  {
    echo "Error! Check Input.";
    } elseif ($_POST["grade5"] < 0 or  $_POST["grade5"]>101 ) {
    echo "Error! Check Input.";
    } else {
    $grades = $grades + $_POST["grade1"] + $_POST["grade2"] + $_POST["grade3"] + $_POST["grade4"] + $_POST["grade5"];