
GeoXML3 accessing KML attribute datas

My KML File has the following format:

<ExtendedData><SchemaData schemaUrl="#seb">
    <SimpleData name="PR0">CORS</SimpleData>
    <SimpleData name="PR1">BRB</SimpleData>
    <SimpleData name="PR2">F15</SimpleData>
  <MultiGeometry><Polygon><altitudeMode>clampToGround</altitudeMode><outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><altitudeMode>clampToGround</altitudeMode><coordinates>71.0035714700001,38.4757616580001 71.0567352510001,38.398144523 71.1035044220001,38.422803406000138.4764993150001 71.0035714700001,38.4757616580001</coordinates></LinearRing></outerBoundaryIs></Polygon></MultiGeometry>

I want to be able to access the the extended data fields from the kml which I will be using for further processing and indexing the polygons for later use and searching.

As this post states, the variables can be access from placemark.vars.val but I could not get this since vars is undefined.

Load kml extendeddata into variable with Geoxml3


  • Replying to geocodezip reply above...

    You approach works but the problem is the kml is produced frequently. Making the changes you mentioned might be a bit difficult because of the content of the <SimpleData> tag which contains the value as text where the expected format is <Data><value></value></Data>.

    Best way would be to create a php or any program that parse the kml and make the changes. I decided to edit the GeoXML3.js parser to look for SimpleData instead of Data tags at line number 639

    var dataNodes = getElementsByTagName(extDataNodes[0], 'Data');