I'm trying to debug a driver that I'm writing for a UART that reads a string of chars
from a serial console until the user press 'l'. The function is called 'getstring()' below.
I want to examine the contents of a status register to see which bits are set. The status register is offset by 2. I need to print it when 'getstring()' is called. I can use printf()
This is the register map for the UART.
When I call the How could I print out the contents of a register in c
#define UART 0x00080000
void getchar(char *str) {
volatile uint32_t *uart = (volatile uint32_t*) UART;
char c = 0;
while ((uart[2] & (1<<7)) == 0);
c = uart[0];
*str++ = c;
while (c!='l');
To convert from binary to an ASCII string of ones and zeroes, simply do this:
uint32_t local = *uart;
for(size_t i=0; i<32; i++)
*str = (local & (1u << 31-i) ? '1' : '0';
*str = '\0';